"Acts of Revenge"
Review by Nicole Mosley
Review by Nicole Mosley
What stood out most to me in the article was how the author compared the work of Chan-Wook Park to that of Tarantino, even though it was stated that his style has not developed a mature approach to the moral dimension of his art. I strongly disagree, I believe there is only one Tarantino and there is only one Park. Though some of their films become slightly similar, each takes a unique, bold, and at times quite squeamish approach in their storytelling and their heavily use of blood and more blood. Each director has a style of their own with is scary yet refreshingly hilarious and thought provoking, with a moral center to their films. Park’s films take you to the heart of the characters and have this viewer asking the question, “what would I do if this were me?”.
Movies: Taratino's - Kill Bill Vol 1
Park's - Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance
Central Theme: Revenge for a love ones
Similar: Both are laced with extreme violence and unexpected plot twists and turns
Difference: The budget in making their films. Taritino receives great funding, but his film style is low budget making. Park does not get as much funding as Taritino film yet, the quality of the films are simliar.
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